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Umeed 2020-21


Every year Muktajivan celebrates it's grand event -Annual function with great zeal and zest. Even the title of event stands to emphasis something valuable or feelings. Last year was a tough year for whole mankind And in such time what is required the  most - "UMEED"

So keeping this hope, Muktajivan management hit the bull's eye and given wings to young kids to enjoy few moments out in an auditorium. No doubt - Safety measures and precautions were considered and maintained well.

Umeed consisted of a mixture of emotions and culture. Performances were based on not only just dance number but also students given tribute to our corona warriors.


"It can be tough, but not immpossible"


This is what we learnt by this event And eventnally got succeed and appreciated by all. 

Principal Mr. Harish Thakkar in his inspiring speech briefed the audience with the philosophy of the school, inculcation of life skills and value based education, global citizenship and plethora of activities conducted in the school. He said that the students come here to learn how to ask incisive questions rather than follow the latest fads.